
My name is Jen Grosso and I am the Founder of The BoldFire Institute™.   
I am so thrilled you are here.

I am an attorney-turned-multi-time business owner, international speaker, published author and high performance consultant and speaker.  I have over 25 years of experience as a trusted advisor, mentor and coach to top performing executives, seasoned entrepreneurs, actors and athletes. 

I help top performing individuals and companies build resilience and avoid burnout with more confidence and flow.  My wellbeing-informed solutions build resilient, radically adaptable leaders who can handle any challenge or crisis.

Together we work to optimize their brain, body and business and master their mental game to get unstuck and blow through plateaus.

Those who work with me often discover and go after what sets their hearts and souls on fire without burning themselves out in the process. 

My goal is always to bring the human factor back to business and focus on what really matters to achieve real, authentic, full-bodied success with an eye towards longevity and sustainability.

My Story... 
It Might Sound A Bit Like Yours

I found my way to entrepreneurship after I burned out as a Big Law Attorney and knew my heart was no longer in it.

Originally, I wanted to be a lawyer because I wanted to help people and make a difference. I worked hard and achieved coveted positions as a clerk for the NJ Supreme Court and in highly-respected international law firm.  In many ways, I was living the dream.

Despite that outward “success”, I was deeply unhappy, unsatisfied and it was making me unwell.  I was in a state of massive burnout and adrenal fatigue.

It was time to engage in radical self care and discover the calling of my heart.  I wanted to prove that it was possible have a life and work you love and do it in a healthy, abundant way.

I knew there had to be a way to be authentic, care for my body and my mind and still achieve success professionally and in business with a life full of rich and meaningful experiences and relationships.

That began my passion with understanding personal development and science-backed success strategies that would allow someone to achieve success across all domains in their life ... not just the fractional success in one area to the exclusion of others.

The BoldFire Institute is the embodiment of my life's work and mission to bring about a new paradigm for full-bodied, soul-driven success that optimizes your brain, body and business for longevity and sustainable success and fulfillment.

Fun Facts About Me

I am learning how to surf in my late 40s despite being afraid of sharks.

I love ice cream and I will not apologize for eating it even though I am known for being a "health nut".

I have competed as a masters Crossfit athlete and trained and competed in sprint triathlons. I love to lift weights. I have held fitness trainer certifications since the mid-1990s.

I am a bit of a science nerd and even won the science fair for physics in high school.

I hate the cold but I am becoming a cold water immersion enthusiast for my health.

I love books and movies, going on long nature walks and riding roller coasters for fun.

I would previously complain that I could not calm down and clear my head to meditate. Now, I am a certified meditation instructor and a Reiki II practitioner ... never say never.

 My best job is being a mom to two amazing teenagers and one insane dog.

I am on a mission to help 1,000,000 people optimize their lives and work to achieve real, authentic success that sets their Soul on Fire.

Want to learn more about how we can help you?